Diabetes diet menu 13 kinds of diet methods, endless loop use

 Diabetes diet menu 13 kinds of diet methods, endless loop use

[Diabetic diet principles]

The diabetic diet menu should have a reasonable diet and ensure that the following principles are followed to avoid high blood sugar, reduce the dosage required for use, prevent and delay the occurrence of complications, and extend life expectancy.

※ Divide the diet into several meals to avoid increasing blood sugar levels after eating.

※Eat well, on time, and don't be too hungry.

※Don't change too quickly, many structures and meals.

In addition, patients should not be lazy, sit all day, and take about 30 to 45 minutes to exercise every day. Healthy exercise is also a very good way to limit the complications of diabetes. From now on, diabetics can eat daily, For your own diet, food should be consumed and processed into attractive, nutritious foods that can be safely consumed.

1.Dark chocolate

Contains 70% high content of dark chocolate, a compound that reduces the body's insulin resistance, helps better blood sugar metabolism, and helps solve problems, craving sweetness, but not all chocolates are equally effective. Eat dark chocolate People say that they have poor appetite and other foods containing salt and fat. Dark chocolate also reduces the appetite for pizza. Dark chocolate also helps reduce the risk of high blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart disease by 2% within 5 years.

2. Cauliflower

Cauliflower is the key to the treatment of diabetes. Like other cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower or kale, broccoli contains sulforaphane, which can promote anti-inflammatory activity, improve blood sugar control, and protect blood vessels. Blood loss from heart disease is a common consequence of diabetes. Cauliflower also helps reverse the body's natural defenses, stimulates the production of protective enzymes, and converts dangerous carcinogens into simple carcinogens that are easy to eliminate.


Blueberries are really great in diabetes. Blueberries contain soluble fiber (slows digestion and increases blood sugar control) and even insoluble fiber (helps remove body fat). In a study conducted by the US Department of Agriculture, consumers drink about 500 ml a day Blueberry juice, which lasts for 12 weeks, can lower blood sugar and improve memory. Researchers also proved the effect of anthocyanins found in berries, which are a natural substance that promotes human fat tissue.

4. Oats

Oatmeal helps to reduce the risk of type. Type 2 diabetes contains a lot of fiber in oatmeal, which is not only good for digestion, but also beneficial for diabetics to help regulate blood sugar and reduce excessive dependence on the amount of insulin that removes excess energy from the body. To reduce obesity, an 8-year study found that oatmeal reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes in women by 19%. For women who regularly consume whole grains, the risk is reduced by 31%. Oatmeal is easy to prepare and is best eaten. The method is to leave whole grains to keep the fiber, nutrients and antioxidants intact.

5. Salmon

Fish is rich in protein, provides protein for the human body, and also contains special fats, which reduces the risk of cell damage. Many studies have shown that people with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids in their blood are less likely to have pain or swelling, while reducing diabetes And the risk of weight problems, a fish-rich diet can help reduce the risk of stroke caused by diabetes. People who eat steamed fish and grilled fish reduce their risk of stroke by 3%.

6. Olive oil

Compared with a low-fat diet, a Mediterranean diet that contains a lot of olive oil can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 50%. Compared with other fats such as pork fat, butter or canola oil, olive oil can also reduce appetite. Olive oil Rich in antioxidants, it can prevent angina pectoris and prevent heart disease.

7. Spinach

If you eat spinach every day, spinach is one of the green vegetables that can help reduce the risk of diabetes by 14%. This vegetable is rich in vitamin K and contains some minerals such as magnesium, folic acid, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. Rich in calcium.

8. Sweet potato

A study found that sweet potato containing anthocyanins is a natural ingredient that helps sweet potatoes and oranges, is an excellent antioxidant, helps fight infection and other antibacterial functions.

9, nuts

Chestnuts contain unsaturated fatty acids, which help fight inflammation. They are currently found in many parts of the world. In addition, fiber, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids found in nuts are antioxidants, anti-cancer, inflammation and prevent cholesterol. These compounds also help To prevent and reverse the formation of chronic diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular chronic diseases.

10. Quinoa

Quinoa grains taste like grains, but only grain fiber is left. Quinoa is a source of protein and provides 9 essential amino acids to the body. Amino acid is a type of amino acid that helps the body absorb calcium and burns fat. The amino acid that produces carnitine helps To metabolize fatty acids into energy, lower cholesterol, quinoa fiber and grains help balance blood sugar.

11. Cinnamon

Studies have shown that this spice helps lower blood sugar. Cinnamon contains many chromium and minerals to improve the efficiency of insulin. The spice also contains polyphenols. This antioxidant helps prevent cancer, reduces immune system damage, and protects you. Protect from diabetes and heart disease.

12.Green mustard

This is a good source of vitamin C and helps reduce cortisol in the body. This vegetable also contains α-lipoic acid, which helps the body to withstand stress. α-lipoic acid also has the potential to lower blood sugar levels and enhance the potential of diabetes to damage nerves However, it should be noted that you should not be too careful about the smell of sulfur when cooking, just steam for 5 minutes.


Turmeric has helped protect health for 5000 years. In addition to white rice, bread, and turmeric in curry, curcumin in turmeric is a component that controls fat metabolism in the body and directly acts on fat cells, pancreas, kidneys and muscles. To prevent the growth of bad cell cancer cells, experts say that curcumin has the ability to reverse insulin resistance, high blood sugar and cholesterol, and other obesity-related symptoms.


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