Easily prevent diabetes, seven foods that can help control blood sugar

 Easily prevent diabetes, seven foods that can help control blood sugar

1. Apple: Like yam, it is rich in myricetin, chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid, etc., which are all phytochemicals that adjust blood sugar. Apple's pectin can delay the rise of blood sugar after meals, so people with high blood sugar or diabetes If you suffer, you can eat some apples after meals to delay blood sugar fluctuations after meals.

2. Brown rice: It is rich in fiber and feels full after a meal without greatly increasing the blood sugar content. Brown rice itself contains a variety of minerals such as chromium, which can promote the metabolism of lipids and sugars. If the body lacks chromium, it will reduce the function of insulin and easily cause diabetes and hyperlipidemia. Therefore, diabetic patients should prevent the loss of chromium, and it is recommended to eat more, such as seaweed and brown rice. Eating more than two servings of brown rice a week can effectively reduce the risk of diabetes.

3. Berries: There are many types, but the nutritional value is similar. Whether it is raspberries, blueberries, strawberries and cranberries, they are rich in antioxidants, vitamins and dietary fiber. You can eat them directly or add original yogurt as a snack.

4. Yam: It contains myricetin, a phytochemical that helps the body regulate blood sugar. Yam contains magnesium and zinc essential for insulin secretion, as well as vitamins B1 and B2, which can promote the metabolism of glucose in the blood. Mucin formation. It coats the food in the intestines, so that sugar is slowly absorbed, inhibits the rapid rise of blood sugar after meals, and avoids excessive insulin secretion. But be aware that yam is starchy, so stop eating if you eat too much!

5. Onion: Contains an organic sulfur compound called allyl disulfide, which increases insulin in the body and helps the utilization of blood sugar. Onions, like brown rice, contain chromium to make insulin work. In addition, sulfur compounds can also prevent platelets in the blood from clotting, make blood flow smooth, and have the effect of eliminating free radicals. However, it should not be excessive, just eat 50 grams (one quarter) a day.

6. Momordica charantia: containing momordica charantia glycosides can stimulate the secretion of insulin. Momordica charantia has a special multi-peptide, which is similar in structure to insulin and has the function of lowering blood sugar. The crude fiber and pectin in momordica charantia can not only solve constipation, stimulate intestinal peristalsis, but also Can help control blood sugar.

7. Sweet potato leaves: anti-three high sacred products! It is rich in myricetin, which allows the excess blood sugar in the blood vessels to run into the cells for use without stagnating the blood vessels. It is a good anti-glycemic dish! Moreover, it is low in calories and has a feeling of fullness, which can reduce calorie intake and lower cholesterol, which helps diabetics control blood sugar. It is also rich in flavonoids, and eating 300 grams a day can satisfy a person's daily vitamin A, C, E and iron needs.


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